Interferential Muscle Stimulation

At Natural Spinal Health, we encounter individuals who have acute, sub-acute and chronic pain.  For most people who suffer from these problems Interferential Muscle Stimulation is not the first solution that comes to mind. Instead, it is common for most people to ignore reoccurring back, neck, and joint discomfort for years and temporarily alleviate symptoms with over the counter medications without seeing a chiropractor.

Studies of over the counter medications reveal while the drugs do lessen the pain they do not treat the source of the problem. As time progresses the body develops a tolerance to pain-killers, higher doses are required for relief and many individuals turn to prescribed pain killers, resulting in more physical dependence on medication, more side effects, and more toxins the body has to combat as it tries to heal itself.

What is Interferential Muscle Stimulation (IF) and What Can it Do?

Interferential Muscle Stimulation mimics your body’s nervous system by sending safe, low frequency pulses to your affected area, causing the muscle to contract and increase temperature and blood circulation. Your body’s natural process to repair injuries works with IF to relieve common nervous system disorders, including constant headaches, numbness of limbs, back pain and neck pain.

By using and encouraging the body’s natural healing mechanisms, IF and can drastically reduce the dependence on medications and unnecessary surgeries while resolving the symptoms of underlying causes faster.  In addition IF produces Endorphins and Encephalins which are the bodies natural pain relievers.

What Conditions Does Interferential Muscle Stimulation Treat?

IF is used to help treat and prevent a surprising number of medical issues. These include, but are not limited to:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • connective and dermal tissue repair
  • increase in the range of motion in joints caused by such problems as arthritis and injury
  • muscle atrophy
  • muscle spasms
  • muscle tension associated with long periods of sitting, standing, or lifting heavy objects
  • post-surgical muscle regeneration
  • sciatica
  • sports injuries
  • tennis elbow

We are dedicated to providing our patients with solutions that work for their body. Since we realize everyone is created differently we only prescribe interferential muscle stimulation to some of our patients, the patients who will benefit from this therapy.  If you have any questions about IF therapy or think you may be a good candidate for this therapy please contact us to set up a free consultation at 925-829-8484.

ONLY $89.00!!

Includes an exam, any necessary x-rays, report of findings, and 2 adjustments (Normally over $600.00)

Please call (925) 829-8484 to schedule your appointment!

chiropractic spine


Learn how we can help with your pain