Choose a clinic that offers a comprehensive consultation which should include: a complete history, orthopedic and neurological examination along with a review of any previous diagnostic studies such as X-Rays and MRI's.
These should be current… at least within the last 2 years for most cases. X-rays and/or MRI's (Cat Scans in cases where MRI's are not possible) are mandatory when considering a patient as a decompression candidate. The best way to make a definitive diagnosis of a disc injury is via MRI. MRI's show us the disc, bone, ligaments, nerves, joint disease, muscle integrity, change and more.
- Decompression set-ups should initially be performed by a the practitioner. There are clinical decisions being made every day throughout your treatment program that effect outcomes. The most dramatic results with decompression are achieved by fine tuning all aspects of the treatment each session. These include position changes, variances in angle, altering the strength of pull..and there are many more. So choose the clinic wisely!
. - Re-evaluations should be performed each visit to monitor progress and adjust treatment protocols. The practitioner's intimate knowledge of your condition and progress again shows how important it is to be re-evaluating you and taking you through the each treatment session. The practitionare should be very experienced with decompression treatment protocols.
. - A comprehensive program should address changes in soft tissue on every visit. Disc problems and sciatica dramatically affect soft tissue (muscle cramps, trigger points) in the low back, buttocks and legs. This would include heat, ice, electrical therapy, soft tissue massage, myofascial release, cold laser, stretches and exercises.
. - A quality decompression program should be followed by a comprehensive low back strength-rehabilitation program. Low back muscle weakness and loss of function, (deconditioning), is the greatest contributor to low back injuries. Rehabilitation will make the success you have reached following decompression long term and help prevent injuries in the future. By not going through a spinal strengthening program, you may set yourself up for continued low back pain or re-injury.
. - It is unfortunate, but at this time there are no insurance billing codes for spinal decompression therapy. That means to say that any clinic that is billing your insurance, including Medicare for decompression therapy is using inaccurate codes. This is of course insurance fraud. Decide whether or not you are interested in being involved with a clinic that is practicing unethically. If they're unethical with your insurance company, they may be hiding other things from you as well. Regardless if what you may be told True Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy is NOT covered by ANY insurance company period.