Nutritional Counseling

Many people in the United States suffer needlessly from "disease" which is a direct consequence of environmental interaction. More individuals than ever before are diagnosed with chronic disease fueled by poor dietary choices, sedentary living, chemical exposure, and high stress. 78% of annual health care expenditures will go toward combating this epidemic of chronic disease, i.e. Heart Disease, Cancer, Hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes, and even Obesity. In addition, since food items are highly refined and nutritionally devoid of most vitamins and minerals, we are now seeing other medical conditions on the radar as well. Some examples include; Auto-Immunity, Gluten Sensitivity, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and a host of digestive problems that may include Irritable Bowel, Ulcers, and Constipation.

At the Widenbaum Wellness Center you'll receive qualified nutritional advice from Dr. Widenbaum. He has a degree in clinical nutrition and will spend the time to perform an extensive dietary evaluation, complete history, physical examination, and offer labortory testing and interpretation. All nutritional programs are then formulated from these results and complemented with in-store shopping stratagies at local health food markets.

ONLY $89.00!!

Includes an exam, any necessary x-rays, report of findings, and 2 adjustments (Normally over $600.00)

Please call (925) 829-8484 to schedule your appointment!

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