Neck Pain- Can Chiropractic Really Help?

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Neck Pain- Can Chiropractic Really Help?


Neck Pain - Can Chiropractic Really Help?


Neck pain is a very common problem affecting up to 70% of the adult population at some point in life.  Though there are specific causes of neck pain such as arising from a sports injury, a car accident or “sleeping crooked,” the vast majority of the time, no direct cause can be identified and thus the term nonspecific is applied.  There are many symptoms associated with patients complaining of neck pain and many of these symptoms can be confused with other conditions.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know what neck related symptoms are most likely to respond well to chiropractic manipulation before the treatment has started?  This issue has been investigated with very favorable results!


    The ability to predict a favorable response to treatment has been termed, “clinical prediction rules” which in general consists of combinations of things the patient says and findings from exams.  In a large study, data from about 20,000 patients receiving about 29,000 treatments, was collected and analyzed to find out what complaints responded well to chiropractic treatment.  The results showed that the presence of any 4 of these 7 presenting complaints predicted an immediate improvement in 70-95% of the patients:  1.  Neck pain;                     2.  Shoulder, arm pain; 3.  Reduced neck, shoulder, arm movement; 4.  Stiffness; 5.  Headache; 6.  Upper, mid back pain, and 7.  Neck or shoulder pain with head turning.  Items not associated with a favorable immediate response included “numbness, tingling upper limbs,” and “fainting, dizziness and light-headedness in 4-12% of the patients.  It is far more common to see a favorable response (70-95%) of the patients compared to an unfavorable response (4-12%), supporting the observation that most patients with neck complaints will respond favorably to chiropractic treatment.


    So, what do we do as chiropractors when a patient presents with neck pain?  First, a history of the presenting complaint is taken.  This consists of information including what started the neck complaint (if you know), when it started, what makes it worse, what makes it better, the quality of pain (aches, stiff, numb, etc.), the location and if there is radiating complaints, the severity (0-10 pain scale), timing (such as worse in the morning, evening, etc.), and if there have been prior episodes.  Various questionnaires are included that are scored so improvement down the road can be tracked and a past history that includes a medication list, past injuries or illnesses, family history and a systems review.  The exam includes spinal palpation, range of motion, provocative stress tests, orthopedic and neurological examination, X-ray may also be included, when needed.  A review of all the findings are discussed and after permission to treat is granted, a chiropractic adjustment may then be provided.  Treatment options may include:  1.  Adjustments; 2.  Soft tissue therapy (trigger point stimulation, myofascial release); 3.  Physical therapy modalities; 4.  Posture correction exercises and other exercises/home self-administered therapies; 5.  Education about job modifications; 6.  Co-management with other health care providers if/when needed.


     We realize you have a choice in healthcare providers.  If you, a friend or family member requires care for neck pain, we sincerely appreciate the trust and confidence shown by choosing our services and look forward in serving you and your family presently, and in the future.


ONLY $89.00!!

Includes an exam, any necessary x-rays, report of findings, and 2 adjustments (Normally over $600.00)

Please call (925) 829-8484 to schedule your appointment!

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